
Signature Program

Our peer to peer circles are rooted in the foundation of ethical leadership. Formal and informally designated leaders will learn together how to adapt, be ready for change, and improve the social systems around them. Learn more

Peer to Peer Leadership Circles

A Wicked Problem

is a problem that is difficult or impossible to solve. We view the conundrum of civic engagement in this way. The squeaky wheel tends to get the grease, and those whose voices need to be heard the most tend to remain silent. This is why we’re on a mission. Dig in deeper

Meet Nancy

Dr. Nancy Pearson is an accomplished nonprofit leader and catalyst for positive community impact. With extensive experience in the public/nonprofit sector and a commitment to mission-driven work, Nancy excels at forging strategic partnerships and driving equitable outcomes. Nancy’s leadership is marked by transformation and innovation. She served consecutive terms on the Portsmouth, NH, City Council and has earned a PhD and an MPA. Dr. Pearson splits her time between Portsmouth and Miami Beach.
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Founder & Chief Transformation Officer

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